commercial plaza
China Railway Real Estate (中国中铁置业集团)
210,000 sqm
selected proposal (选中的方案)
The program includes a mall, a Hotel, a Hotel-apartment and an Office building.
The main office building is located along the main street. It gives a very strongand impressive identity to the project with its 195m height glass facades punctuated with large suspended gardens.
These suspended green houses create a natural ventilation across the building, bringing fresh air, humidity and visual comfort.
It was a 210,000 sqm program for a 23,000 sqm site.
The program included a Mall, a Hotel building, a Hotel-apartment building and 2 Office buildings.
We decided to put all the offices into one big slab building facing the main street in order to save some space for the rest of the program. It will allow us to create a real garden and to create a road accessing the Mall and the Hotel.
It allows also to create a pedestrian walk-through from the North main street, passing under the main office building, to the South across a roof garden where can be found restaurants and terraces.
All the buildings, Hotel, Apartments, Office and Retails are surrounding and access this main garden. it becomes the Green Heart of the project.
The main Office building has 2 lobbies on the main street, one of them has a direct access to the subway.
This Office building has a very strong presence on the main street, 195 m high, 85 m long, It's an impressive landmark in the city.
It's the main Facade of the project, the Financial Center of Chengdu.
On this slab, we designed some "green houses" on every sides, at different heights managing some shafts tunnels across the building from the South to the North facades. This system create a natural ventilation across the building increasing the comfort inside the offices.
The Suspended Gardens will bring fresh air, humidity and visual comfort to the users of the Financial Center.